About the project

Elevate Co-lab project (elevatecolab.com), funded by the Dana Foundation (dana.org) and delivered by the Institute for Methods Innovation (methodsinnovation.org), invites you to join a co-created, community-driven problem-solving process to understand and elevate neurodiverse contributions in the workplace.

By joining our project, you’ll be invited to participate in the following activities:

  1. Exploratory workshops. You will be asked to share your personal experiences and to develop strategies to create supportive and inclusive workplace environments for neurodiverse individuals.  
  2. Pilots. You will help guide proposed solutions from the exploratory workshops.  
  3. Demonstration activities. You will be invited to public events and meetings to discuss the progress of the pilot project teams.

Even if you are unable to join all the activities in the program, you can be kept in the loop and remain involved throughout the process. If you are interested in any involvement in the project, proceed to the next page.

Please click Next to continue with consent.

Consent to participate in the project

This project aims to collaboratively identify and implement priorities for making workplaces more inclusive.

Please indicate whether you consent to participate in this survey and project:
In addition, please let us know if you opt-in to each kind of future contact:
Do you consent to the statements below regarding photography, video or audio recordings ("media") from participation in the project?
  • I will be unable to inspect or approve the finalized version of media.
  • All such media, and any reproduction thereof may be used in perpetuity.
  • Media may appear publicly as part of the project website and/or other research, educational and marketing activities.
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Contact Information

Tell us how we can contact you.

Professional Information

Tell us more about yourself professionally.

(Leave blank if not applicable)

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Personal Information

Tell us more about yourself personally.

(We are asking to ensure a diverse participation)

(Please write in the whole number, e.g. 23)

How would you describe your race or ethnicity?
(Check all that apply)
YesNoUnsureNot applicable / No OpinionPrefer not to say
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Not at all FamiliarSlightly FamiliarSomewhat FamiliarModerately FamiliarExtremely FamiliarNot applicable / No Opinion
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Neurodiversity Information

The concept of neurodiversity or neurodivergence recognizes and respects that each person's brain works in a unique way. Neurological differences are natural human variations.

Do any of the following descriptions apply to you?
(Check all that apply)
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We want to include your ideas and suggestions in the project.

Please click Submit to send your responses.